Personality Matters
The Myers-Briggs Company Blog
Personality Matters contains business psychology insights, psychometric product news, and our latest training and product offers.
Do ambiverts exist?
The world is divided between left-handed and right-handed people, right? Well, like so many things in life, it’s not that simple
All About Extraversion – New Podcast Episode
In episode 2, occupational psychologist Catherine Ellwood dives into all things Extraversion.
Talking psychometrics with the Start, Scale, Grow podcast
‘Start, Scale, Grow’ is a podcast hosted by Simon McSorley, Founder and CEO of Crew Talent Advisory, a talent recruitment agency in Melbourne, Australia, specializing in tech sector recruitment.
How sustainable do you think you are?
New research from The Myers-Briggs Company shares how MBTI® personality type affects views on sustainability and environmentally-focused organisations.
Take 3 for the Sea case study
Charity team handles switch to remote work using MBTI insights
Wellbeing, Stress and Resilience – New Podcast Episode
Season 3 of the podcast! In episode 1, chartered occupational psychologist Melissa Hill dives deep into well-being and resilience.
Resolving Internal Conflicts
Can the TKI model help with internal conflict? Ralph H. Kilmann, co-author of the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI®), shows which mode works best.
The Big Picture and Conflict Management
Using a Big Picture model, Ralph H. Kilmann, co-author of the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI®), shows how to evaluate and manage conflict.
Pioneering Women
OPP celebrates the MBTI creators for International Women's Day
The Avoiding Culture in Organisations
Ralph H. Kilmann, co-author of the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI®), tries alternative TKI questions to get the true picture about the avoiding culture in organisations.
Key Workplace Trends of 2024 Affecting Talent Development
Six areas to explore in the year ahead
Cultural norms and conflict modes
Get in-depth insights from Ralph H. Kilmann, co-author of the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI®), on the nuances of using and interpreting the TKI instrument in this four-part blog series.
Why knowing your personality type is critical to a growth mindset
If people think ability is innate, it could be holding them back
Can you be an extraverted Introvert?
Why introverts can be louder than you expect
How Australia Post used MBTI personality type to build trust and increase productivity
Managers have a lot on their plate – from exceeding customer expectations to taking care of their employees. This blog explains how sales and operations managers at Australia Post improved company success by using the MBTI personality assessment to build trust and collaboration.
World Introvert Day - Introversion In-depth
In honor of World Introvert Day, we’re joined by John Hackston, chartered psychologist, and Head of Thought Leadership for The Myers-Briggs Company for an in-depth look at introversion.
How personality type affects team performance and job satisfaction
New research sends clear message to team leaders
Should personality assessments be used in hiring?
How to decide if and when to include personality assessments in the selection process.
Why self-awareness is not enough
Business psychology experts on leadership and people development in organisations.
Psychology of Leadership
What’s the psychology behind leaders and followers? How do you develop agile leaders, nurture good decision-making, and use psychological assessments in aiding leaders' growth? Listen to this podcast episode to find out!
How personality type affects team performance and job satisfaction
New research sends clear message to team leaders
Conflict Management
In this episode, Gail discusses what conflict is, and what types of clients she works with in her conflict management consulting business. We also discuss how COVID and the move to remote and hybrid work has affected conflict management.
Worst thing about teams? Poor leaders
If you’re looking for ways to improve team performance, check the results and recommendations from these two new pieces of research by The Myers-Briggs Company.
Working Across Cultures
What are the biggest challenges people face working across cultures? Listen to this episode of The Myers-Briggs Company Podcast with Frank Garten, cross-cultural expert and global leadership trainer to learn how to mitigate cultural challenges and improve communication.
Can you pick up three bits of rubbish?
How micro habits are key to the environmental mission of Take 3 for the Sea, the new official charity partner of The Myers-Briggs Company
Neuroscience, psychology and your MBTI® personality type
What’s the link between neuroscience and MBTI® personality type? We look at how neuroscience (or its successor), along with your MBTI personality type, could help achieve an even greater understanding of what it means to be human..
Psychological Needs of Teams
In this episode of The Myers-Briggs Company Podcast, we’re joined by Dr. Marta Koonz, Principal Consultant for The Myers-Briggs Company, as she walks us through insights around using psychological needs to better work relationships and improve teamwork.
How to foster an inclusive culture in a diverse organisation
Explore how to address the diversity that may already exist within your organisation. This article is for leaders at organisations that have made some progress but recognize that there’s still work to do.
Happiness and profit are synergistic
Our well-being survey found higher workplace well-being to be positively correlated with factors including job satisfaction and so-called “organisational citizenship behaviors,” like contributing to organisational objectives and voluntarily helping co-workers.
How stress and personality type affect leader’s risk tolerance & decision-making
Stress can affect a leader’s approach to risk which is strongly tied to investment and business strategy. But if a leader knows how their personality type affects their natural approach to risk-taking, as well as what stresses them out in the first place, they’re less likely to react to stress by making poor decisions.
Inclusive Leadership
Why aren’t leaders as inclusive as they think? Listen to the latest podcast episode from The Myers-Briggs Company featuring Dr. Rachel Cubas-Wilkinson.
In-person development and the importance of human synchronisation
What is human synchronization and why is it important for learning and development trainers, consultants and coaches to consider?
To be an inclusive leader, you need to understand and respect personality preferences
There are three key diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives to understand if you want an inclusive company culture. Explore them in this blog.
With increased stress and changing workplaces, burnout is on the rise. Hear from one of the leading experts in the field of workplace burnout to learn all about why companies keep getting it wrong when it comes to employee burnout.
3 Types of workplace conflict – and a tool to help resolve them
There are three types of conflict that people experience at work. Fortunately, HR professionals, leadership consultants, and executive coaches can help leaders and employees improve their conflict resolution skills with the FIRO-B® assessment.
MBTI personality type and relationships
How can MBTI personality type help strengthen relationships? Do people with the same type get along better? Listen to this episode of The Myers-Briggs Company Podcast to find out!
Does the MBTI assessment work across cultures?
Explore videos via this blog featuring Leanne Harris, Principal Consultant for The Myers-Briggs Company, as she explains more about using the MBTI assessment around the world
How can you help managers develop an inclusive workplace for employees?
There’s no question that the demand for workplace inclusion has risen recently – and for good reason. A highly inclusive workplace means that people at all levels feel valued for their unique contributions. Discover how managers can help to create an inclusive workplace.
Four ways to help employees manage 'always on' culture
With each new communication app or collaboration software, the work-life divide becomes increasingly blurred. Explore ways you can support people to manage the 'always on' culture.
Are personalities permanent? Can your personality type change?
The fact that you see people change in your professional and personal life has prompted some to question the entire premise of personality type. Read on to discover more detail on the topic.
Will Gen Z usher in a new generation of work-related conflict?
Awareness of different approaches to conflict could help multi-generational workforces understand each other and work together better.
The Psychological, Emotional and Financial Value of Training & Development
When economies slow and budgets tighten, the training and development budget is often one of the first things to be cut. Discover why it’s a needed investment for successful business.
Finding a Career with Purpose
In this episode of The Myers-Briggs Company Podcast, we speak with Julie Gross, founder and president of Collegiate Gateway LLC, a boutique consulting firm in New York City providing counseling on personality and interest assessments, college and graduate school admissions, and career planning.
How to build a more effective hybrid workplace
Paying closer attention to employee needs is the way to make remote, in-office, and hybrid teams function better
Conflict at work: what are your options?
In this blog you’ll see that, with a little thought about how we define it, conflict isn’t necessarily negative. Conflict is often positive and necessary. And you’ll see that you do have choice in how to approach it.
The New TKI Team Report
The Thomas Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (also known as the TKI) is the world’s best-selling conflict management tool. Requiring no certification, it’s a favorite of HR practitioners and team leaders alike.
Connecting with the People You Lead
In this episode of The Myers-Briggs Company Podcast, we speak with Dr. Martin Boult, psychologist, leadership expert and Senior Director of Professional Services and International Training at The Myers-Briggs Company.
Leadership, Extraversion & Introversion
In this episode of The Myers-Briggs Company Podcast, we interview Jeri Bingham, leadership expert, author, consultant and founder and host of HushLoudly, a WGNradio.com podcast dedicated to amplifying the voices of Introverts.
What is change management and why does it matter for organizations?
In the first episode of The Myers-Briggs Company Podcast, we interview Sherrie Haynie, seasoned consultant who guides organization development, executive development and change management initiatives for global clients.
Introducing The Myers-Briggs Company Podcast
Want to hear from experts in psychology, HR, leadership, and more about trending topics in the work world? Introducing The Myers-Briggs Company Podcast!
Were you asked if you wanted to go back to the office?
New research from The Myers-Briggs Company shows why talking and listening to employees is crucial for a successful hybrid work strategy.
Why unconscious bias is bad for business
Unconscious bias affects our decision-making. Why not use a systematic decision-making process to start reducing bias?
Psychology of Change in the Hybrid Workplace Whitepaper - Now Available
New whitepaper discusses 5 ways managers and HR leaders can use psychological and personality insights to help their people manage uncertainty and successfully implement change initiatives.
Using interpersonal needs to make the hybrid model work for teams
What do hybrid teams need to work well together? More trust. And fewer assumptions. Here’s how interpersonal needs can help in both those areas.
Inclusion - Who's buying?
If you’re in HR, how do you get your leaders and senior managers to buy into a diversity and inclusion program? These three tips can help you
Another way to look at stress
How FIRO helps people to build trust in their relationships, improve morale and reduce stress in the workplace.
How to develop high potential people using MBTI personality insights
HR professionals get insight into team dynamics, individual strengths and more with potential leaders when using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator assessment.
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